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See all FAQsWhen can I expect to notice results?
A study showed that magnesium helped improve the sensation of tinnitus in the ear after 3 months of supplementation. Studies with Ginkgo helped improve peripheral blood flow which can also affect hearing in about 1 month.
Why is there still a lot of ringing in my ears?
Although there is no cure for tinnitus and in most cases it is very hard to find out the exact cause of it. A study found that magnesium helped reduce the perception of tinnitus in the ear but could also not make tinnitus disappear.
Does this product help if I have hearing loss?
The product was not investigated for hearing loss. The ingredients however help support peripheral blood circulation and reduce the perception of tinnitus.
Will this product damage my hearing further?
The product should not damage your hearing. It was carefully investigated for its safety so that there is no health risk when taking the product.